Passion. Wildlife. Photography. Trekking.


Grey -headed Canary -flycatcher(Culicicapa ceylonensis)

The Grey headed Canary flycatcher (Culicicapa ceylonensis) is an insectivorous and a species of small flycatcher – like bird found in tropical Asia.

This species breeds in upland to montane oak  and other broadleaved forests and similar wooded areas in temperate  to tropical southern Asia, from Pakistan, Central India and Sri Lanka east to Indonesia and southern China. Many populations are resident, but some Himalayan birds are partial migrants that winter in Peninsular India sometimes even occurring in arid habitats.

Bhargav Dwaraki _GHCFGrey headed Canary flycatcher

The Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher is about 10 cm long with a squarish grey head, a canary yellow belly and yellowish-green upperparts. They forage actively like flycatchers and perches in a very upright posture. The sexes are indistinguishable in plumage. They have a very flat bill  which when seen from above look like an equilateral triangle and is fringed with long rictal bristles.

The Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher is an insectivore and like flycatchers makes sallies for aerial insects from a low perch under the canopy of a tree. A pair may forage together and they will often join mixed -species foraging flocks.( Source – Wikipedia)

Bhargav Dwaraki _GHCFGrey headed Canary flycatcher

As we(myself and Vinod ) reached Ooty, we made a list of species that were special from this region .We wanted to spot and photograph each of them.Apart from the commoners like Mynas and Sparrows ,the first bird which we saw was this little Grey headed Canary-flycatcher. Though we spotted it quite easily and spent close to two hours ,I could not make a descent picture as it used to sit up high in trees or on the grills.Next day morning too went with out much luck (in terms of Photography), later in the day I saw it perch on a branch  with less or no clutter .I went there and I was waiting for it to come back ( yes,these birds do perch on the same place), initially  I missed few shots but this bird had kind of got used me and gave an other opportunity. Light was little harsh but I will take it!.Hope you like it 🙂

Have a great Day 🙂




7 responses

  1. Beautiful, I would love to see it in person.

    April 19, 2013 at 5:25 am

  2. Great shots mate… Worth the wait…

    April 19, 2013 at 9:40 am

  3. Wonderful capture . Awesome

    Travel India

    April 20, 2013 at 3:03 am

  4. Nice click…..


    April 20, 2013 at 3:27 pm

  5. good one Bhargava 🙂

    April 25, 2013 at 5:02 pm

  6. Pingback: Sing a different toon | verseherder

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