Passion. Wildlife. Photography. Trekking.


Portrait of Rock Agama

Here is a portrait I made yesterday of  The Peninsular rock agama (Psammophilus dorsalis) in Nandi Hills, Karnataka.

_DSC6859Rock agama – A portrait

Rock agamas are a common sight here. I found this particular one on the tree basking in sun. A nice head turn by the agama and the spot light/harsh sunlight falling on it gave me the opportunity to get a nice underexposed background.

Hope you like it. Critics and Comments are welcome.

3 responses

  1. Beautiful!

    March 24, 2014 at 12:20 pm

  2. Thank You Shilpi 🙂

    March 24, 2014 at 4:11 pm

  3. Hi!! No updates?? Hoping your blog will help me identity birds in BTM Layout
    Thank you
    Malathi Shenoy

    October 25, 2017 at 2:35 am

Please let me know what you think, Thank you.